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Financial Services

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Financial Services

ETL Financial Services

Individual financing advisory for your company

The topic of financing is an essential part of strategic corporate development and a crucial success factor. Only if the necessary liquidity is available can small and medium-sized enterprises respond flexibly to the challenges of global competition. A solid equity base plays an increasingly important role in this context because credit insurers, suppliers, leasing companies, and credit agencies pay particular attention to this key figure, as do banks and mutual savings banks.

Whether you want to finance your growth, increase your equity, or invest in new technologies: What you need are sensible financing concepts that cover your capital requirements in the long term. We offer you an alternative to conventional loans from your house bank and find the appropriate, innovative financing instruments – in every phase of your company’s development.

Turn your receivables into cash with ETL anteeo finance. When you pass on your receivables, you also transfer your risk to ETL anteeo finance and benefit from 100% default protection.

ETL Finance helps companies preserve liquidity, protect their credit lines, and benefit from attractive tax advantages with customized leasing and factoring solutions.

ETL Corporate Finance offers comprehensive advisory services for the purchase and sale of companies, e.g. in the context of business succession.

ETL Insurance Brokers guide you safely through the premium jungle. They offer independent advice on corporate and personal insurance, customized insurance coverage, and comprehensive claims management.

Overview of our services

ETL offices

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Mo – Fr 8.00 am – 5.00 pm